You Should Be Repurposing Your Content

Repurposing content is one of those strategies that every content marketer knows they should be doing. The idea of recycling content to reach a wider audience is a great opportunity.


Many of us are so focused on churning out content after content, that we completely forget about all the great content we’ve already produced.

If you’ve been creating content for a while, you likely have tons of useful articles on your blog, YouTube Channel videos, or podcasts that could be reused in other ways. Take your available content and reuse it to save time, reach a new audience, and squeeze the most value out of your current resources.


Turn a blog article or web page into a short video,
Again, if you have a lengthy post or a resource page (like a glossary), you can break sections of that page down into short videos to then publish on YouTube

Turn a Video into Blog
Transcribe your videos into blog post or articles for Linkedin.

Create a round-up post,
An insanely simple way to repurpose your content is to create a round-up post. All you do is gather a group of your most popular articles and link them in your new round-up post. Then, you can share the post to your email list and social media.

Turn a blog post into a podcast (or vice versa),
Turning a blog post into a podcast could be as simple as reading and recording it. 67 million listen tp podcast monthly.

Turn a blog article into an infographic,
If you have a blog post or report with content that could be shown visually (like statistics), creating an infographic is another way to reformat that content.

Convert a blog post or ebook into an email series/course,
Another idea is to turn your blog posts into an entire email series or course. This is a great way to collect email addresses from visitors to your site. Basically, you’d create a drip campaign that automatically delivers emails to these visitors over a set number of days after they signup with their email:

Turn blog headers, statistics, and quotes into Social posts,
Many companies share their latest blog post on social media with the title of the article. However, many times, that’s where the promotion stops. Rather than creating one social post, you can create a whole group of different posts from the headers, statistics, or even quotes used throughout that article.

Source - Instapage


Kevin BarracoContent Marketing